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To celebrate my 30th Birthday on Thursday 12th March I'm offering a little candy.........
I'm gathering some bits and bobs together for my candy
(sorry about the pic)
but so far there will be some
-6x6 forever friends papers and stamped images (there will be more images than shown)
-card candy (iced gems)
-6x6 Paper mania white core card stock in pastel shades (not shown sorry lol!)
-Forever friends sticker sheet (baby theme)
-a selection of buttons
I'm also going to the GNPE in Harrogate at the end of march and I will pick a special surprise from there too!!
I would be grateful if you would become a follower if you are not already one!, place a link in your side bar ( although this is not essential) and leave a comment on this post......simple!!
I will leave this posted until 1st of April
(Fooled you....... no honest!!! )
and i will announce the winner that evening
Happy Birthday Emma! x
Whoo Hoo The Big 30!!!
Great candy Emma
Off to have a browse around since my distinct lack of bloggy roundups is getting worse!!!
30th birthday hey! Happy Birthday Wish I was turning 30 again
Emma, same birthday as my hubby must be a good day!!! Have posted a link on my blog and HAPPY BIRTHDAY for the 12th.
Don't believe what anyone says. Hitting 30 isn't so bad.
Off to add you to my blog sidebar
Shell xx
Gorgeous candy, how generous!
Already a follower but will now get the link sorted on my blog...
Lou XX
Happy Birthday Emma, 30 is a great age, enjoy it! I can just about remember mine (15 yrs ago, sad face :( Great candy, will advertise on my blog. Fingers, toes and eyes crossed, lol! Birthday hugs Heidi xxxx
Happy Birthday Emma, shall leave a link on my blog, thanks for the chance.
Happy 30th birthday Emma and thanks for offering such yummy candy. I have linked you on my blog. Debbie x
Wow...I'm so happy I just discovered your blog!! I wish you a very Happy Birthday already!!!!
Thanks for sharing this great candy (yes, I love Forever Friends!!)...someone, somewhere will be very happy with it...I can only dream it's me!!
Greetings from Belgium,
**your blog is at my 'candy-bar'**
Hi Emma :) Have a great birthday!
Fab candy ... thank you for the chance to win!
Teri xx
I'm really enjoying your blog...happy birthday!
Waw Happy birthday Emma! Gorgeous candy, I became your follower and linked you on my blog! Hugs, Moni
Happy birthday! Thanks for the chance to win some candy! I will put you on my sidebar. Thanks again!
Ohh lovely candy Emma i haven't got anything FF and defo would like some, going to link you know i also have candy go check it out
Debra xx
Happy 30th birthday Emma. Fab candy, off to blog now.
Liza x
Lovely candy, i LOVE forever friends :)
Happy birthday too xx
Happy Birthday! I'll take the chance of winning your blogcandy.
I'm linking to you from my blog.
Happy birthday!! thanks for the chance
Hugs from Italy
Happy Birthday. That's some lovely looking candy. I'd love a chance to win it, not on my behalf, but my sister who had a baby girl and named it after me!
Happy Happy Birthday. 30 is a reason to celebrate! I'm nearing that mark myself. Seems like yesterday when I was but a teenager. How time flies.
Happy Birthday! Very lovely candy! would love to be included! I put a link on my sidebar.
Sorry, cant be your follower because of different blogger accounts. :(
Happy belated birthday Emma. Such lovely candy you have on offer. I have added it to my sidebar and am already a follower of your blog.
Happy crafting.
Kim xXx
happy birthday, vorrei partecipare al tuo blog candy, ti scrivo dall'italia
Happy Birthday wishes to you, what a lovely giveaway, have put a link to it on my blog
Jan x
Lovely blog candy! I have become your follower and am off to leave a comment on my sidebar
added you into my side bar
thanks for the chance Nikki
such a lovely blog candy! I´ve became a follower, and your post is linked in my blog!
Happy Birthday Emma!!!
Great Candy, I became your follower and linked your candy on my sidebar under the section "Blog Candy".
Thanks for the chance to win.
Have a great birthday Emma! Hope you have something memorable planned to celebrate. Hope you have a wonderful day whatever you are doing. Great candy. I have become a follower and have placed a link to your candy in my sidebar. Hugs, Lainy xxx
Happy 30th birthday Emma!!!!
And thanks for offering such yummy candy. I have linked you on my blog.
Greetings from Belgium ,
Fantastic candy - AND HAPPY BIRTHDAY. Love checking your site, so I decided to follow too. I'll list your candy on my blog, Tons of candy gets listed here.
Happy birthday!
I don´t have a blogg but I take a chance to win your candy anyway. :-)
/ Marie
Hi Emma!!! It's the first time I visit your blog, vary nice! Happy lately birthday! I put a link to my candybar and now I am a follower, thanks for a chance to win your candy!
I love the way you did your St. Patrick's Day card... a little different! Happy Birthday! Hope you really enjoy your day.
Hi Emma
Congrats for your 30th Birthday. Great blog candy. Thanks for a chance to win! I'll follow your blog. Sorry I don't have a blog.
A bit late but Happy Birthday wishes from Belgium! Here's my link . Thanks for a chance to win! Sunny greetings, Annelies
Hi Emma , what awesome blog candy. Hugs from Brasil!
Happy belated birthday to you from Germany. I hope you had a lovely day and I hope all your wishes come true!!
Thanks for offering up such wonderful blog candy it’s so generous of you! I'll leave a link on my side bar spreading the news for you.
Greetings Regina
Oh Many thanks for the chance to win this yummy candy. I have just had a browse through your blog you have some fab cards, I especially like the blue and pink whiff of joy card. Debs xx
Oh, we have birthday the same day! :-) Happy birthday!
Wonderful blog candy - very generous of you!
I would very much like to win. :)
Greetings from Sweden
Mrs H
Happy Birthday. 30 is a great age to be. Enjoy every day of it.
I do not have a blog but I do come and look at your blog. You do great work.
Thanks for all the wonderful candy.
debbie peysen
Happy Birthday! The Penny Black stamps are so cute, and I love the card you made with the mice and the teacup.
i love your blog candy i have put it on my blogs sidebar under blog candy
Hope your birthday was grand. Thanks for the chance to win. I posted about your blog candy in the bar on the right side of my blog.
Happy birthday.
Great candy. I love Forrever friedns.
I do everything you wish, now i wait with my fingers crossed.
Happy Birthday!
Wonderful candy. Thank you for a chance. I am your follower and i have left a link on the right sidebar on my blog.
Such a cute blog candy - I love the forever friends bears.
Thank you for the chance to win them
Wow absolutely the best blog candy!!
Happy Belated birthday I am not far behind you for the fabulouor 30!! Just another reason to celebrate hope it was a fabulous day.
I am so glad I was popping by a fellow bloggers site that I saw yours and am now a follower, hope to see you pop by my blog sometime soon.
kel xxx
Congratulations!!! I'm follower noow! Thanks for the chance to win some blog candy! I have linked on my blog (sidebar) I'm from Brasil! Hugs
have a happy 30 birthday! and that candy looks great! the colors are fantastic! pastels are the best!
here, I linked you:
Happy b'day Emma! Lovely candy. I have left a link on my sidebar
Happy birthday:-) Mine 30 was in october:-) nice candy.linked to your candy in my side bar and hope to win,and get a gift in my mail box in norway:-)
Happy birthday!!
Your blog candy looks great!
and it's very nice to meet you... :-)
Inbar, Israel
Hi Emma!Happy Birthday!!
Greetings from Poland.
Fab candy ... thank you for the chance to win!
I added a link on my blog:
Great blog candy and happy 30th birthday!
I made a blog post about your candy here:
I am also a follower now :)
Hi Emma! Happy 30th birthday! Best wishes in the coming year. Go wild, cuz you only turn 30 once =) Keep up the amazing work and thanks for doing this candy!!
Hi! Happy Birthday Emma! I am from Russia! Candy is a very good and beautiful!
So like a sweet Candy /
Happy birthday! lovely candy!
Happy birthday hunni, big 30!! hope your day is very special! thanks for the chance to win some yummy goodies
carly xx
What a great way to celebrate your birthday! (Hope you have had a great celebration with your loved ones!)
Great candy you have here!
You'll find a post on my blog telling my friends and visitors about your candy and blog!
Happy Birthday! What a great bunch of goodies (especially since they don't have these here). Thanks for the chance to win these :)
I've linked your giveaway on my blog as well.
Forever friends candies.... yummzzzzz.... Happy Happy Birthday........ wishing u all the best...
oooh the big doesn't hurt (much)does it? lol! Hope you had a lovely day?
I have linked you to my candy box and have become a follower :o)
Amanda xxx
Hi! Happy Birthday! Great candy! Thanks!
I've added your candy to my blog:
What a great BlogCandy. Thanks for the chance to win.
Hello! I'm from Russia. Its a super candy! I very-very like "Forever friends"! I added a link to my blog: and I've put a link on my blog on sidebar under the section BLOG CANDY
Hi Emma! You have a nice candy! I linked you on my sidebar. And I became your follower. Thanks for these goodies, I hope I'll be the lucky winner! :)
Best wishes!
You're in my blog today! Thanks for the opportunity & hope you had a wonderful birthday.
I'm also an official stalker now, too! *LOL*
Happy 30th Birthday, wish I was 30 again.
My daughter will be 22 on the 1st of April, so go figure I won't see 30 again.
Kind Regards
Happy 30th, Emma. I've added myself to your followers and put your candy in my sidebar.
Have a great day,
your candy Is really special, it's so cute! Thank you very much for the opportunity to get ti!
thanks for your comment on my blog x
Happy birthday, I will definitely be following your blog :)
Happy happy birthday!
Thank you for a chance to enter!;)
Have fun!
Hugs and kisses for you!
I've added you in my sidebar, come and see:
Happy birthday. This is also my birthday so I really hope I will win your faboulus candy! Here is my link:
Sweet blog candy! Thanks for offering it! And happy happy birthday!:)
Happy Birthday ur candy is lovely hopefully Ill be lucky enough to win some someday lol
nicola xx
Hi Emma
I wish you a very happpy 30th birthday with lots of love and hugs. You have a nice blog candy. I became a follower but sorry I don't have a blog. Thanks for a chance to win.
Happy birthday. Great candy and just love your cards. thanks for the chance to win and have linked you to my blog. Anne :)
Happy birthday and thanks for the chance :) I'm a follower and I blogged your candy here
Bye, Kitty
Happy Birthday Emma,
You make gorgeous cards,Heidi was right your blog is well worth the look, thanks for popping by mine x
Hello Emma,
I just love forever friends, so i think this is great candy. I've become a follower, quite new to blogging so if you'd like to visit mine and also check i've put a link to your candy on.
Happy Crafting
Tracy x
Happy Birthday Emma! My link is
Super Blog Candy, I have started to follow your blog now and will link you to my side bar on my Blog.
Christine x
A belated Happy Birthday to you Emma!!
I added you to my side bar at and I am now a follower.
Thanks for this opportunity!!
Happy 30th birthday Emma!!!!
Thank you for CANDY
Love your candy, too.
I have put link to your blog on my blog's side bar.
Best regards from sLOVEnia, Tanja
Happy 30th Birthday. Have a wonderful year. I have joined as a follower and posted the candy on my sidebar.
Happy belated Birthday Emma! Ik hope you had a fantastic day and got spoiled rotten :)
Thanks for sharing this wonderful Blogcandy,it is goergeous!
Of course I've put a link on my sidebar.
Greetings from Riane
hiya happy birthday to you hope your 30th is fab..31 is worse..honest!!!!
Happy birthday, wow giving OUT treats on your birthday, how fun, thank you, I'm posting a link on my blog
Happy Birthday Emma - Have a great day!! xxx
Happy Birthday - great candy, thanks for the chance to win.
Happy 30th Birthday!!!
Great Candy.
Belated birthday wishes :)
Thanks for the chance to win some great candy x
Super duper happy birthday!!!
Thanks for the chance.
congratulation. your blog is amazing!
I hope you had a great birthday!
Thank you for the chance to win this fantastic blog candy.
All the best,
Clare x
oooh, hope I'm not too late to join in!!??
Happy Birthday Emma!!!Paljon onnea vaan!!This is Finish (congratuleis ) I take this ling to my blog
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